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Mind map

Develop a mind map or outline of your umbrella research topic (broad area of study) by identifying sub-categories, pieces, and possible sub-pieces.InstructionsPerform a literature review search on your research topic of interest. You are not tied to this topic when...

Concept map and how it is constructed.

Develop a concept map and a short narrative that supports and further explains how the concept map is constructed. The bullet points below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your evidence-based plan addresses all of the bullet...

Concept Map

Create a concept map for one of the topics from the list below: Congenital DefectsCoronary Artery DiseaseHeart Failure (left-sided vs. right sided)HypertensionThe content of the concept map must include: pathophysiologydefinitionetiologyrisk factors (genetic...

Breast Cancer

        Create a concept map for one of the topics from the list below: • Breast Cancer • Cervical Cancer • Erectile Dysfunction • Fibroid Uterus • Prostate Cancer • Ovarian Cancer • Sexually Transmitted Disease The content of the concept map must include: •...
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