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Data Mining

When using different data algorithms, why is it fundamentally important to understand why they are being used?If there are significant differences in the data output, how can this happen and why is it important to note the differences?Who should determine which...

Collected data or ran an experiment.

    Discuss a situation in which you collected data or ran an experiment. Describe the type of data you collected. Did you summarize the data? If so, how? In responding to your classmates, discuss a post that you find intriguing or quite different from your own...

Human Computers

  first video: https://youtu.be/m13Jrk-cUmo second video: https://youtu.be/eE69LKO4dCQ Introduction Before the 1950s, “computers” were human, they were not machines. The first human computers appeared in the mid-1700s when people wanted to solve big, complex problems...

Design the study and collect data

Using the article provided, complete the following:• Where in the article did you find the following research steps?o Identify a study questiono Select a general study approacho Design the study and collect datao Analyze data • Using the information in this article,...


  Nursing, at its very core, is a profession rooted in social change and growth. As a nurse returning to school to further your education, you can learn to enhance your practice to become a “Walden Scholar of Change.” The nursing professional holds a responsibility to...


  Nursing, at its very core, is a profession rooted in social change and growth. As a nurse returning to school to further your education, you can learn to enhance your practice to become a “Walden Scholar of Change.” The nursing professional holds a responsibility to...
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