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Using Data To Address Quality Measures

Explain the measures and corresponding data listed in the table. Provide the data table listing the measures and corresponding data points within the presentation. Analyze 2 sources, in addition to Hospital Compare, that you would use to find public information on...

Leadership Problem/Issue Statement

  provides an opportunity to conduct a thorough investigation on a subject area of your choice (related to a Leadership Problem/Issue) and propose a solution on that issue. Leadership Project will include the following components/categories: Leadership Problem/Issue...


Database Scenario: Jack from the local hardware store, Main Street Hardware, has come to you requesting your database development services. He needs a database that will store product inventory, including products on hand as well as the vendors from whom he purchases...

ELA performance data.

Secondary You are a school principal in a 9-12 grade high school. In preparation for a meeting with your ELA department chair, Mr. Wong, you have been analyzing the students’ ELA performance data. Including Mr. Wong, your school has eight ELA teachers. For seven of...

The Klanton Bower Data Center

The Klanton Bower Data Center is a commercial data center specializing in small business IT services such as mass memory storage, email and enterprise systems servers, and website services. The data center, which has been in business for eight years, was started by...
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