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Behavior data

A. Indicate how you collected the behavior data (frequency, latency, rate, intensity) and what data needs to continue to be collected (submit raw data) B. Include a “context summary” (time of day, environment, other students, curriculum, teacher exception...

Monitoring data

btain monitoring data analyzed within a Healthy People objective, and then interpret this information for its influence on the decision-making process. Step 1—Healthy People Data Visualization: Visit the Browse Objectives page of the Healthy People 2030 website....

Research Data Summary

There are several types of data a researcher can collect and analyze. In this assignment, you will reflect on what you have learned about the types of data used in psychological research. Write a 700- to 1050-word paper in which you summarize data types. Include the...

Ethical dilemmas related to the digital divide

The focus of Unit 2 was the digital divide and how its existence impacts those who are most vulnerable. In this discussion, you are asked to analyze ethical dilemmas related to the digital divide. Inc lude the following in your initial post. Describe your chosen...
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