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Beat Culture Brewery in Miami

Selection: This assignment will require your group to evaluate Beat Culture Brewery in Miami, Florida. (https://beatculture.com/Links to an external site.) This assignment will give your group the opportunity to research, evaluate the current marketing strategies of...

Beat Culture Brewery

Your own brand or idea that will need to be approved by your Professor. Research Beat Culture Brewery and info your Professor of the following: Names of individuals working together 2-3 individualsInfo your Professor by week three (3)Purpose: A strategic marketing...

Culturally Competent Care-Teaching

I. Transcultural Nursing (What is it?) (defining)II. Cultural Competence (What is it?) (defining)III. American Culture VS. Other Cultures (This can be a comparison table or slide for each-just address each one) (defining)a. Health definitionb. Disease causation (How...
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