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Planning to open a dating service in Virginia

  Imagine that you are planning to open a dating service in Virginia. Your preliminary research indicates that such a service would expect to gross $3 for every divorced person, $2 for every single (never married) person, and $1 for every widowed person in a typical...

Cloud-Based Web application

You are part of a startup company. A startup company is a newly formed business with particular momentum behind it based on perceived demand for Web Based Software applications in one of the given fields below. The intention of your startup is to grow rapidly as a...

Design the Local Area Network

    Part 2: Create the basic switch configurations 2.1 Cable the network Describe in a few sentences which devices connect to which other devices using what specific kind of cable, on which specific interfaces? For example: 1. I connect an Ethernet cable on port 1 on...

Purchased a computer software program

You are a school principal and the district has just developed or purchased a computer software program with a complete lab for math. All students will be receiving help each day for 30 min. in the math lab. It will require a school wide change (effort) to implement,...
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