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GPCR receptor- 5-HT2A receptor

  Instructions: A review article should provide an update of a research area or a major question/controversy in the field. The student should review the key literature and then evaluate the field, take a perspective and explain why they support that perspective. The...

Identifying Spectra for Acetaminophen

Locate and identify the 1H 13C NMR spectra for Acetaminophen using the resources provided or others of your choosing. Explicitly identify any key peak(s) on those spectra and what that peak correlates to on the different parts of your chemical structure. To complete...

Actual chemical accident

  The project will be a paper on an actual accident involving an chemical(s), chemical plant, or explosion in a manufacturing plant. There is not a page limit on the paper, but it must be at least 10 pages, double-spaced, with references, and must be plagiarism free....
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