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Gas law simulation

Access the following link for gas law simulation https://ch301.cm.utexas.edu/simulations/js/idealgaslaw/ Question 1 Using the controls in the Control Bar window. fix Pressure as a dependent variable by clicking on its radio button. Change the volume of the container...

Relationship between Volume and temperature

  Explain the relationship between volume and temperature using the appropriate Gas Law. Materials- regular size balloons, strings to tie the balloons, water bath (1 L glass beaker or a tub with 3/4th tap water), hot plate, ( 1-2), ice water/fridge Case 2 Fill a...

Relationship between Volume and temperature

  Explain the relationship between volume and temperature using the appropriate Gas Law. Materials- regular size balloons, strings to tie the balloons, water bath (1 L glass beaker or a tub with 3/4th tap water), hot plate, ( 1-2), ice water/fridge Case 2 Fill a...

Percent error

  1. The vinegar bottle normally has a 5% concentration, which is the equivalent of 0.83 M. Find your percent error using the average experimental value that you calculated for vinegar. Comment on your results. (Less than 10% error is acceptable, more than that...

Acid-Base titration

1. Provide definitions for the following terms: Acid-Base titration curve Equivalence point Weak acid 2. What is the name and formula for the acid titrated in this experiment? What is the Ka value for the weak acid from Appendix H in your textbook? 3. Use the...

Composition of an amino acid mixture

    How might it be possible to determine quantitatively the composition of an amino acid mixture? If two amino acids have the same Rf values in 2-propanol, how might they be separated? Draw the structure of the amino acid of your...
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