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Standard alkaline battery

  Analyse technologies and processes relating to electrochemistry, and their implications for society, health and safety, and the environment Develop an information brochure, infographic or webpage that could be found on a website promoting the benefits of renewable...

Differences between stimulants vs. depressants

  Write a one page, double-spaced summary and answer these questions: What are the differences between stimulants vs. depressants? What are some factors that encourage individuals to abuse drugs? Have you ever encountered someone who you suspected was abusing drugs?...

Chemistry questions

A concentrated phosphoric acid solution is 85.5% H3PO4 by mass and has a density of 1.69 g/mL at 25°C. What is the molarity of H3PO4? What is the mole fraction of urea, CO(NH2)2, in a solution prepared by dissolving 5.6 g of urea in 30.1 g of methanol, CH3OH? How will...


1.) For the given fact below, which subsequent true/false statement is true?Fact: Mel received a C+ in Chemistry.a. Mel does not like chemistryb. Mel did pass the classc. Mel did not achieve a passing grade for the classd. Mel took math this semester2.) What...
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