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Berkshire Hathaway

Research the total compensation plan for the company you have chosen for your final project. Very briefly describe the elements they use to reward their employees (base pay, bonuses, time off, daycare, flex time, benefits, etc). Is their approach the best that it...

Crisis communication case studies

Review the crisis communication case studies in both the Lachlan and Liberman texts, withemphasis on the Carnival Cruise Lines “Poop Cruise” or the United Airlines overbooking crisis(Lachlan Ch. 4). In at least two brief paragraphs (30 to 50 words each)...

Nonverbal communication

    Challenge of the week: Talk with a friend or family member who has known you for a long time and will be honest with you. Have them answer the following questions. What were your first impressions of me, or what type of first impression do others have of me? What...

Situation Audit for my organization

Create a situation audit of your own organization. You will prepare to conduct your audit over the next 12 steps of this project,during which you will review various aspects of your organization, including its mission, goals, and values. You will be given the...
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