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Are Christian Ethics absolutist or relative?

  Reply to the post below. Are Christian Ethics absolutist or relative? Let’s take a look at ethical relativism and absolutism. Ethical relativism states that morality changes with one’s culture, experience, circumstance, and personal preference (Jones et...

Are Christian Ethics absolutist or relative?

  Reply to the post below. Are Christian Ethics absolutist or relative? Let’s take a look at ethical relativism and absolutism. Ethical relativism states that morality changes with one’s culture, experience, circumstance, and personal preference (Jones et...

Galatians 2:1-21,

1. Explain the ritual of circumcision and its origin. Why it was such an important matter to the Jews of Paul’s day? 2. What prompted the Jerusalem Council? Why did the Jews have an aversion to Gentiles? 3. What was the point of the letter sent by the leaders of the...

Exegesis on the Joban Prologue in the Book of Job. 1:1-2:13

  W​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​rite an analysis of the place of the text within the book as a whole, discussing any issues of textual corruption, or potential editing. – The genre of elements within this text as a whole and how these relate to wider Old Testament...
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