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Sports organization

  Choose a different sports organization from the one you chose for your final project, and describe three appropriate market segments that this organization should be marketing to and why. Search for articles related to market segmentation to support your discussion....

Direct Imaging and Spectroscopy

The Path to Direct Imaging and Spectroscopy of Habitable Exoplanets with Large Ground-based Telescopes – Olivier Guyonhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ4cK5XDfm8Please write a half to one page summary and YOUR reaction to the talk’s content.

Planet and Moon Formation Connecting

Planet- and Moon-Formation—Connecting Hydrodynamic Simulations of Planet Formation with Observations – Judit Szulágyihttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2WXP1HbuOoPlease write a half to one page summary and YOUR reaction to the talk’s content.
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