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Opportunity cost

        Think about major purchases you have made in the past. Now that you know about opportunity cost, would that knowledge have affected your decision to make any past purchases? Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations...

Demand curve

          Think about a decision you have to make concerning whether to text and drive. Using economics, explain the factors that have caused your demand curve to text and drive to shift over the past 5 years, and indicate in which direction your demand curve has...

Healthcare informatics systems

          Consider the healthcare informatics systems that you have used either as a student or as a practicing nurse and discuss the following: How easy is the system you currently use/have used in the past in terms of ease to learn, daily use, avoidance of...

A supply curve

        What does a supply curve illustrate? Other than its own price, what are the determinants of the supply of a commodity. What would make a supply curve shift to the right? Imagine that the market for orange juice is in equilibrium at a price of $8 per gallon....
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