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Pandemic Precaution

Study the new requirements set up by CDC following the current COVID pandemic guidelines for healthcare workers. Watch the video provided by Medscape to learn about donning and doffing requirements for viral hemorrhagic and biohazard diseases. Post a discussion about...

A federal health agency

  Choose a federal health agency for this assignment. I recommend choosing an agency that you are not familiar with. Discuss this mission of the agency, the structure, their day to day operations and special projects. Look up and find the current year’s budget...

Affordable Care Act

    In 2010, the Affordable Care Act opens up the 45-year-old Medicare program to the biggest changes since its inception. Discuss the components of the Affordable Care Act that you think will have a positive effect on improving health care outcomes and decreasing...

The drug RhoGAM (immune globulin)

                Case Study: A client had an SVD (spontaneous vaginal delivery) today. The labor and delivery nurse gives you a shift report and notes the client is RH Negative and her infant is RH Positive. Discuss the drug RhoGAM (immune globulin), including: Route...
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