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An important social problem

  Select a research topic that interests you and also is an important social problem. Then, use the four combinations of worldviews, designs, and research methods in Figure 1.1 of Chapter 1 of the course text to discuss a project involving your selected research topic...

“Social Relationships and Health”

  Describe a social theory that was discussed in the “Social Relationships and Health” journal article and indicate how it was used to support the research. Choose one of the quantitative research results presented in the article; describe the evidence presented and...

Health plan models

First define and then compare and contrast the fee-for-service and prepaid health plan models. What is the best type of health insurance (for the consumer and the organization) and why? Justify your answer. Discuss the various ways in which healthcare reform has...

Producing health related goods and services

          What must be considered by a supplier to select which inputs to use to produce health related goods and services? Describe some of the inputs that must be considered to produce health related goods and services? What is the production possibility frontier...
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