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Evidence, Policies, and Procedures

        The purpose of this discussion is for learners to explore how evidence is used in maintaining policies and procedures. Discussion Questions Nursing practice should be evidenced-based and the process of updating policies and procedures varies by facility. Feel...

Learning and Experiences

        Reflect on the 3 most challenging patient encounters and discuss what was most challenging for each. What did you learn from this experience? What resources did you have available? What evidence-based practice did you use for this patient? What new skills are...

Describe the gate theory of pain.

Question 7 Suppose we are trying to measure someone’s ability to detect weak stimuli. When we present extremely weak stimuli (sights, sounds, or touches), this person almost always reports that they were present. Before we draw any conclusions about this person’s...

Cognitive factors influence family dynamics

You are the social worker for Joe’s family and are tasked with completing an assessment on the family. What are all of the cognitive factors involved, for each family member? How might these cognitive factors influence family dynamics? How might these cognitive...
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