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Organizational issue

1. Issue: Identify an organizational issue that, if addressed, could positively impact organizational effectiveness or outcomes. Your organizational issue should reflect a performance gap or potential problem of practice that you will describe as your area of interest...

Quantitative Research Methods

  Discussion Questions: Think about how you might design a quantitative research project. What methods would you use to collect your data? What would you need to do to demonstrate that your study had a high degree of validity and reliability? Login information will be...

Research Methods

      Based on what you learned from the readings while developing the concept map, what are some gaps in literature that you identified? Summarize briefly (you may use bullet points for statements with citations) what is known about your topic, following with a...

Information from the history of epidemiology

  In this first week of epidemiology, we are exploring Chapters 1 – 5 of Gordis. This covers a lot of information from the history of epidemiology through in-depth topics on how to appropriate evaluate disease occurrence through quantitative means. This week,...

Davis v. Washington

    After completing Read: Davis v. Washington, 547 U.S. 813, assume the following facts: After leaving a bar, a woman enters her car in a darkened parking garage. She is confronted by her ex-husband, against whom she has a domestic no-contact order. She attempts to...
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