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Appropriate methods for obtaining information

  Researchers must protect participants and be aware of appropriate methods for obtaining information. What ethical considerations are important to research? In about 2 pages, write an analysis of the ethical concerns in the 3 diverse psychological research studies...

Main characteristics of its population.

    a. Define the main characteristics of its population. b. Identify factors that influence whether this population is considered marginalized/discriminated/oppressed today. c. Seek social policies (federal, state or local) related to that population. d. Analyze...

Why Americans got involve in World War II

      Why did Americans get involve in World War II? How were the powers divided? After reading lesson 24 and watching the films, identify at least two nations that were at conflict during the war and discuss the impact each group had on the war. Question #5 After...

Visual elements and design principles

  • Identification: Select a work of art. You may select a piece that you like or dislike. Get all the information provided: artist, title, medium, year, etc. Write down your initial responses. How do you respond to the work? Does it invoke an emotional response? What...
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