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ANATOMIC location

  Pick one muscle under EACH ANATOMIC location (lower leg, hamstring, quadriceps, hip, abdominal, back, shoulder, rotator cuff, arm, and neck) and write out the origin, intersection, isolated function and integrated function. Respond to TWO classmate who chose a...

What did you learn about yourself

    What did you learn about yourself and your abilities to be a teacher of young children       What did you learn about yourself and your abilities to be a teacher of young children, and how you worked as part of a teaching team? What did you learn most about...

Budget analysts

    Budget analysts provide financial analysis to legislators, evaluate a program’s health, assess policy, and draft budget-related legislation. STEP 1: Imagine you are a budget analyst for a state or local (municipal or county) criminal justice or security...

The market for human organs.

    Listen to this (Links to an external site.) podcast about the market for human organs. Is there currently a surplus or shortage of human organs available for transplant? Using the demand/supply framework, explain how legalizing the trade for human organs will help...
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