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Language Assessment Approaches & Methods

  1. Which of the following is NOT a skill involved in reading? a) Adapting reading style according to purpose and text b) Understanding the meaning of every word c) Making inferences about people, things and events d) Playing video games e) Memorizing poetry 2. What...

Country Focus: India’s Software Sector

        1. What factors have contributed to the growth of India’s software industry? In your opinion, is the growth a reflection of the growth of overall economy or is the growth of software sector prompting the growth of the entire economy? 2. How has India’s...

RadioLab audio piece on gene therapy

  Listen to the RadioLab audio piece on gene therapy and read the secondary article on tetrachromacy. Based on the content of the Radiolab piece, what evidence is there that it might be possible to cure color blindness in humans in the future? Why might most...
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