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Discussion – Intro to Data Mining

            This week our topic shifts to the classification concepts in chapter four. Therefore, answer the following questions: 1. What are the various types of classifiers? 2. What is a rule-based classifier? 3. What is the difference between nearest neighbor and...

The right to privacy for citizens

Should the government be allowed to enlist the assistance of private companies to capture telecommunications data? What limits should be placed on the kinds of data captured? Does the need to prevent terrorism outweigh the right to privacy for citizens? Where is the...

Computer science

1.Which tool can, when uploaded to a Web server, provide an attacker with complete control of the remote PC? What is a security patch? List four Web server security countermeasures. Using course resources and the Internet, please explain a buffer...


Why is Biometrics the latest trend in cybersecurity for both personal devices and entire networks? Because biometrics are the most personal of personally identifiable information, how and why should state...
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