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Read the Case UBER at a Cross roads and create a case study on it.

The other 2 PDFS are helper guides in how to write a case study to said professors liking. FOR example: 10-15% on issues, 50-60% on analysis, and 30-35% on Recommendations.
Therefore please read “Tips on analyzing cases” for help.

How to Write Up a Case for Submission
Your written case assignment should follow the format outlined below (issues, analysis,
recommendations) but obviously in more depth. Do not get carried away reproducing facts or
exhibits from the case; instead, concentrate on your analysis of the situation. Concentrate on
applying the frameworks, concepts, theories used in class and the readings – they provide a very
powerful and succinct vocabulary for communicating the most relevant information.

1. Issues: the important problems, decisions, or issues.

2. Analysis: the analysis of the underlying causes of the problems and issues, supported by the concepts, frameworks, and other materials from the readings.

3. Recommendations: a set of recommendations, appropriately supported by the analysis.
You need to tie your very specific recommendations back to the wider context of the firm and show how your recommendations are sensible.

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