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As a health care manager in any organization, organizational culture and organizational structure are intermingled. Understanding the relationship will help you navigate the workplace.
Discuss the following with the class: 175words
• What impact does organizational culture have on organizational structure in health care? Provide an example.
• Describe an ideal organizational culture for a health care organization.

Discussion #1 (K.E)
The organizational culture has a lot of impact on organizational structure in many ways. The background of the hospital as well as reviews from patients satisfaction surveys online can change either make or break the culture. Background meaning what type of employees are working at the hospital, what do they stand for, are they an organization that will treat everyone the same regardless of ethnicity, religion etc. When there is a positive organizational culture in an organization, it’s likely to succeed as a whole. This all starts with the employees and their first impression of the environment on their first day. For example when a new employee arrives and they see the professionalism and work ethic everyone has, they will have a higher chance to follow their foot steps .However, when they see that everyone doesn’t take the job seriously or everyone is performing below the minimum, most new employees will see that as how they should act in the organization. First impressions are everything and practicing/having a great organizational culture can help with the structure of an organization which will cause the company to elevate and succeed in the industry.

Discussion #2 (D.C.)
The impact that organizational culture has on structural healthcare is a huge one, for example depending on your environment hiring people that can help communicate with those that may speak a different language and help with patient care and to help make everyone feel comfortable, also respecting others and keeping an open communication environment helps with the culture of healthcare as well. An ideal culture organization for healthcare would be to hire people who can speak multiple languages so that patients of all race can feel comfortable, making sure everyone feels respected and cared for. Also making sure you hire base off of your environment can help as well for example if you’re hospital is in an area where it is predominantly Hispanics that speak Spanish you may want most of your employees to be able to speak Spanish, this would make it easier for communication and maybe to relate to other culture beliefs, or maybe if you are in a smaller community who are religious it maybe be good to hire a chaplain


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