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We will talk about our assigned text and article readings (see Syllabus for links).

This week’s Canvas discussion should include the assigned Collins/Kanashiro reading (chap. 6), Ganesan (chap. 4), and articles listed on the syllabus to fully discuss some critical ethical concerns and business situations using at least one of the Moral Intensity examples.

C&K Chap. 6: Ethical Decision-Making (Business Ethics: Best Practices for Designing & Managing Ethical Organizations (3rd ed. 2021) Denis Collins; Patricia Kanashiro (SAGE Pub. 9781544396828 print / 9781544396842 eText)

Ganesan: Chap. 4 (The Business Case for AI (2022) Kavita Ganesan, PhD (Opinosis Analytics Pub. – 9781544528724)

Waser, M. R. (2012). Safety and morality require the recognition of self-improving machines as moral/justice patients & agents. (OneSearch: https://library.sfsu.edu/)

Rossi, F. (2019). Building Trust in Artificial Intelligence. (Canvas) 

U.S. article: https://www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/ai-bill-of-rights

This memo will assist your analysis using the highlighted ethical theories in the chapter by comparing / contrasting their strengths/weaknesses.

We will discuss further in class!

1. What are the individual strengths of each of the six ethical theories?

2. What are some of the warning signs of that an unethical decision is approaching? Why?

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