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Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology case study and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Shanea has been overweight most of her life and recently it has been affecting her health. She has contemplated starting a healthy lifestyle for 2024 but she has been doing the opposite. She is still eating late at night, eating unhealthy food, drinking sodas, and not exercising; these are undesirable behaviors that she would like to discontinue.

You will utilize behavioral modification strategies to create a self-modification programme for this student. The self-modification programme must be at least 4-6 weeks in duration. You are required to draft a report of the behavioural modification programme.

Overview of Target behaviour

  • State target behavior, classify as a deficit or excess, and state which dimension(s)
  • is/are being changed.

  • Discuss pros and cons of changing and not changing, where in the process of
  • change you are, your self-efficacy, and comment on values and mindset.

    Functional Assessment

  • Description of target behaviour
  • Setting (s) in which the behaviour occurs
  • PSY203 Behaviour Modification Strategies

  • Frequency of behaviour
  • Duration of behaviour
  • ABC Analysis
  • Strategies or interventions used to aid in Behaviour Change

  • Describe all focused strategies or interventions you used
  • Describe exactly how you used all strategies
  • Progress or setbacks

  • Describe any set back you had and how you would deal with them
  • Describe the progress you have made and how do you feel about them
  • Conclusion

  • Overall feeling about the behaviour change and how did it make you feel
  • . References (if applicable)

    Rubric for Individual Assignment

    Criteria Marks

    Overview of Target Behaviour 10

    Functional Assessment 15

    Strategies or Interventions 10

    Progress or Setbacks 10

    Conclusion 5

    Use of English grammar, spelling, structure 5

    Structure Cover Page, Headings, References (if applicable) 5


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