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Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.


Chapter 5 of the textbook discusses Vanessa Otero’s media bias chart. You can see a picture of the January 2024 version of the chart . Take a look at the chart and read the paragraphs about it from the textbook, then answer the following questions:

  1. What did you understand by the term media bias prior to studying the Media Bias Chart? How has the chart changed your perception? Provide specific examples to explain your points.
  2. How does the ability to recognize bias enhance your ability to be an informed citizen? Explain with an example from your own life.
  3. Would you change anything about this chart? Explain with specifics.


Please submit your write-ups by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday. These contributions should be at least 200 words, and need to be thoughtful and thorough. Contributions that are clearly minimal in effort or simply not meaningful or useful will lose points.

These assignments are graded out of 50 points. We will look at the quality of the responses to give you points.

Your graduate teaching assistants will grade your assignment based on the following rubric:

  • Response answers each part of the prompt thoroughly with thoughtful, complete/coherent sentences that incorporate concepts from the chapter readings and assigned supplemental materials: 50 points
  • Response answers each part of the prompt but is incomplete or too short, has several errors of grammar, spelling, or punctuation, includes only a references to chapter concepts or supplemental materials: 40 – 49 points
  • Response does not answer the prompt or is missing elements of the prompt, has multiple errors of grammar, spelling, or punctuation, does not reference chapter concepts or supplemental materials: 30 – 39 points
  • Response does not answer the prompt in any thoughtful way, has so many errors of grammar, spelling, or punctuation that the response is incoherent, does not reference chapter concepts or supplemental materials: 20 – 29 points
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