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Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology writing question and need support to help me learn.

Acculturation applied to an analysis of

the film El Norte (3-5 pages) Based on the filmEl Norte describe the acculturation experience of the major characters, Enrique and Rosa, as

they make their journey north. In doing so, talk about a)the various phases of acculturation they undergo b)the particular mode(s) of acculturation

which they embraced c)the social and psychological barriers which they confronted and other factors which may have influenced the process.

This may include such factors as language usage and fluency, type of acculturating group, their cultural characteristics, their social and individual

characteristics, and the degree of prejudice, racism and discrimination which they experienced.

In addition, discuss the social and psychological effects such oppression may have had on them and the manner in which they were

transformed by the process.

Film should be on either youtube or Netflix

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