Learning Goal: I’m working on a communications question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
In this assignment you are asked to answer the following three questions. The answerfor each question should be up to 1 page long. This paper should not be longer thana total of three pages (not including the appendix), typed in standard font (Time NewRoman or Arial) size 12, 1.5 lines spacing, justified (aligned both to the left and theright margins), with Normal margins! (i.e., 3.18 cm left/right and 2.54 cm top/bottom).The assignment should be uploaded in a word format. Writing style should beacademic, clear and succinct. Use proper academic reference whenever you rely onsources, either printed or electronic.Submission date: February 18th, 2024, until 23:55 (the submission should bedone through Moodle).
1. During the course we have discussed the importance of understanding thenotion of “context collapse” while discussing the connection betweenFacebook usage, and social capital.
a. Please explain the meaning of “context collapse”, and provide oneexample for how “context collapse” can affect the way people usetechnology (in your explanation, please elaborate on how the change inthe way people use technology derives from “context collapse”).
b. Please explain how “context collapse” can affect the potential of socialnetworking sites (such as Facebook) to enhance the social capital oftheir users.
2. On November 9th, 2023, the following report about how Online AntisemitismIncreased after Hamas Attack1 was released by the ADL. The article discusseshow the Center for Tech and Society at ADL has documented a surge in onlineantisemitic hate since the Hamas attacks on Israel on October 7. The reportconcludes with recommendation on how social media companies shouldmoderate content during times of war.
a. Part of the need for moderation by social media companies, is theunderstanding of the potential effect of these platforms. Please providea brief description of two studies that examined social influence (thesestudies can be taken from what we’ve discussed in class, or from yourclass readings). When describing these two studies, please explainhow they ruled out homophily as an alternative explanation for theirfindings.
b. Based on what you have learned in the course, please explain howplatforms such as X (formerly Twitter), TikTok, Instagram (or othersocial networking sites) are increasing the spread of Antisemitic posts?
c. Please provide one example of potential reaction to such Antisemiticcontent. In your answer please also discuss how homophily can serveas an alternative explanation to the claim that the Antisemitic postsleas to the discussed reaction.
3. In class we have discussed the Werther’s effect presented by David Phillips, inChristakis and Fowler’s book “Connected” (chapter 4).
a. On May 2017, the following article about Chris Cornell’s suicide2 waspublished on the CNN website. Please read the article, and analyze it1 Online Antisemitism Increased after Hamas Attack: 2Singer Chris Cornell hanged himself, medical examiner says:based on David Phillips’ notion of the “Werther’s effect”. In your analysis,please define Werther’s effect (as it relates to the literary, historical andsocial context discussed in class). Please also explain what the expectedinfluence of Chris Cornell’s suicide on suicide rates is, based on thenotion of “Werther’s effect”.
b. In your opinion, can the “Werther effect” explain mass suicide eventssuch as the ones that took place within the communities of David Korash(1993) or Jim Jons (1973)? Please elaborate.c. On July 2017, the following article about the death of ChesterBennington, Linkin Park singer3 was published on the NYT website.Please read the article. Then explain the two types of suicide cascadesdiscussed in class. Following this explanation, please explain which ofthe two types of cascades, can best explain the suicide discussed in thisarticle.
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