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You are required to produce a 25 minute PowerPoint presentation critically evaluating a patient case study following the occupational therapy process. You are expected to critically evaluate a chosen aspect of MDT/ multi-agency work and critically appraise a chosen occupational therapy assessment and intervention which is supported and justified by a body of evidence. You should also refer to the skills utilised to collaborate with the client and others. The presentation should be delivered via PowerPoint. Students have 25 minutes to present the case study, followed by 5 minutes Q&A

1: Critically evaluate the application of the Occupational Therapy Process in a specified setting.
2: Critically appraise a body of evidence which supports and justifies an aspect of the occupational assessment or intervention.
3: Critically evaluate a chosen aspect of multi-agency or MDT working relating to the specified setting.


The presentation should include:
An introduction to the occupational therapy process and critical evaluation of its application, with a clear structure utilising the occupational therapy process:

Referral – An introduction to your case study within your practice setting including the referral information that was provided.

Information gathering – provide an overview of the research you undertook to obtain further information about your client including condition specific research, local and national guidelines, and procedures

Assessment – Identify a specific occupational therapy assessment, critiquing the body of evidence to justify and support its use for the setting and the client.

Goal setting – Discuss the goal setting process and the short- and long-term goals identified.

MDT working – Consider the role of one member of the multi-disciplinary team or another agency, and critically evaluate their contribution to the patient’s journey and your role

Intervention – Identify a specific occupational therapy intervention, critiquing the body of evidence to justify and support its use for the setting and the client.

Evaluation – review of the patient goals and achievements

Conclusion and Reflection on your developing practice


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