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Hernando De Soto
You must type a 2 page paper, double spaced & 12 font.
1. You must include a brief summary of the explorer’s early life (Consider: Birthdate? Where did they grow up? Wealthy, poor, noble? Occupation? How and why did they get into exploring?)
2. For what country did the explorer sail? Any particular reason this country?
3. How many voyages did this explorer make? Dates of voyages?
4. Why did the explorer go on their voyage(s)?
5. What parts of the world did this explorer travel? What particular people and/or groups did they meet?
6. What was the result of their voyage? What major influence did their discovery have? Why do they matter?
7. Include pictures and maps. Must have a picture of your explorer and a map(s) of their voyage. You may also include other images of artifacts, paintings, letters, interesting photos…ect
8. You must include a brief excerpt from a PRIMARY DOCUMENT that really discuss your explorer, their journey, or their importance (it can be a journal entry, government document, government correspondence, personal letters…ect)


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