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In this assignment, imagine yourself in the role of a preschool classroom teacher preparing to send home with students a Healthy Take Home Bag that offers families the opportunity to work, play, explore, and learn together regarding health, safety, and nutrition. You’ll complete this assignment in theory; in other words, it isn’t necessary to create a real Take Home Bag. However, you’ll plan your bag, your letter to families, and your essay responses as if you were putting together a real Take Home Bag.

Choose one of these four themes and plan your Healthy Take Home Bag around your selected topic:
Germs, Handwashing, and Staying Healthy
Nutrition and Healthy Food Choices
Fire Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Dental Health and Hygiene
Search online and select an image of the ideal book bag, backpack, or tote bag you would send home with children in your class.
From the teacher’s perspective, write a letter to families of your students explaining what the bag is about and why their children are receiving the bag to take home. In your letter, include a greeting and closing, and follow proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, and formatting rules. Your letter should motivate and excite families to receive the bag, provide a detailed explanation of each item included in the bag, suggest how to use each item appropriately, and include any other directions, suggestions, or guidance you wish to express. Before writing your letter, imagine what questions, concerns, or apprehensions families might have as they receive the Healthy Take Home Bag. Then include your answers and any additional information that might lessen their confusion or reluctance.

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