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Design and implement an empirical evaluation of an intervention with a client using single system research methods.
The Self SSRD option: You may choose to work individually on yourself. You will serve as both the client and worker partner in this assignment, and will try to change something about yourself during the course of the SSRD assignment.
First Portion of SSRDA Prompt

1. Describe your identified problem (history, level of impairment/challenge, any previous attempts to address the issue, and why they were insufficient)

2. Take no steps to alter or intervene to reduce the problem! That comes later in the assignment.

3. What is your reaction to this assignment? [10] There will be two reactions here if there are two partners- one from the Worker Partner and another one from the Client Partner. If option 2 or 3 was approved, then you will write your reaction to the whole assignment.

4. How will you measure the problem? Can you track it daily? Is there a tool or app that can help? Will you track electronically or on paper? Describe your measuring tool if it’s “homemade” or the name and citation if it is a pre-existing scale.

5. What is the first score(s) for the measurement of the “problem” in its current state. That is, without any intervention yet, what is the baseline? It could be zero, if no activity is being done.
Second Portion of SSRDA:
1. Describe the intervention that will be utilized- include what will be done and how often. For the purpose of this assignment, it is acceptable that the whole intervention may not be used, but a part of the intervention. Please be sure to describe if only a part of an intervention is being used. Include a link to the peer reviewed journal article that demonstrates prior plausibility of the intervention.

2. Provide two additional citations or links to articles where the intervention in the article has been successfully used on a problem at least similar to the CP’s identified problem or with similar clients. Describe why the intervention used was decided on and why these two were not.

3. What is your reaction to this intervention? There will be two reactions here if there are two partners- one from the Worker Partner and another one from the Client Partner. If option 2 or 3 was approved, then you will write your reaction to the intervention gathering phase of this assignment.

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