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As a human services leader, you are aware, through direct or indirect work, of a government agency’s unique context of practice. Developing a program within a government agency presents its unique challenges and resources.

This paper will give you the opportunity to practice developing a program within a government agency. This program should address the social problem and unmet community needs you identified in the Week 3 assignment. Utilizing your needs assessment information, you will provide a rationale for the need for this community program and describe how it will meet this need.

Since good program design comes with strong program evaluation, you will also determine an appropriate program evaluation strategy for your program. The government program that you, as a civil servant, designed must address issues of diversity and inclusion and maintain ethical standards. To further validate and support your proposal, you will use reputable sources.


Design a program within a government agency to address your previously identified community need (Homelessness in Georgia). Write a 3–5 page proposal to implement the program in the government agency. To complete this assignment successfully, be sure to address the following:

· Describe key components of the community needs assessment that supports the need for the new program. How will the new program address this need?

· Describe the goals of the program and the activities that will be implemented to meet the goals.

· Assess an appropriate program evaluation type for this program.

· Explain the type of program evaluation that you would conduct to determine program outcomes.

· Discuss ethical considerations in developing and implementing this government program.

· Articulate how the program will integrate accessible and culturally sensitive approaches to address issues of diversity and inclusion.

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