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What are the name and mission statement of the company?
What is the history of the company up through the present day? Summarize major events and discuss how those major events affected the company.
Discuss their marketing and distribution strategies. Provide examples to support your statements.
Ethical Decision Making
Provide at least one example that demonstrates what you consider to be a good ethical decision this company has made in the past or is in the process of making/considering today. Discuss why they made this decision (What prompted them to make it? What do they hope to achieve by making it? etc). Discuss why you consider this a good ethical decision.
Provide at least one example that demonstrates what you consider to be a poor ethical decision this company made in the past or is in the process of making/considering today. Discuss why they made this decision (What prompted them to make it? What do they hope to achieve by making it? etc). Discuss why you consider this a poor ethical decision.
Where does the company stand financially? Are they losing money or making a profit?
Include at least one of the following financial statements: Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash flow Statement. The statement must be within the last 3 years.
Discuss the good and/or bad effects that the current pandemic has had on the company thus far. Provide examples.


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