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What are the personal and/or communal ethical factors that may be involved in determining the moral position of either side in that debate?

Next, articulate and then evaluate the ethical positions using Kantian ethics (that is, the categorical imperative) relative to the long standing debate (that is your topic chosen in the week three assignment).

Finally, create a complete annotated bibliography for 5 academic scholarly sources. You will annotate each source. The sources should be relevant to your topic chosen in the week three assignment.


Summarize key points and identify key terms (using quotation marks, and citing a page in parentheses).

Describe the controversies or “problems” raised by the articles.

State whether you agree or disagree and give reasons.

Locate one or two quotations to be used in the final research project.

Evaluate the ways in which this article is important and has helped you focus your understanding.


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