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Read the article by Ting, Jacobson, and Sanders (2011) and answer the following questions about it:

1. In your own words, what would you say were the study’s main research questions? Do not copy and paste the research questions.
2. What was the theoretical population with which this study was concerned?
3. What sampling method was used? What was the size of the final sample for the current study?
4. How representative would you say the sample was in relation to the theoretical population? Do the findings have any limitations based on the sampling method used or the size or characteristics of the sample?
5. Assess the quality of the measures used in the study by describing their reliability and validity. Do the findings have any limitations based on the measures or the method of measurement? If so, what are they?
6. What research design was used in this study? Do the findings have any limitations based on the research design? If so, what are they?
7. Summarize the study’s findings in your own words. Based on these findings, what would you suggest for future research study or for future policy? Do not copy and paste from the discussion- this should be in your own words.


1. Book: Engel & Schutt, The Practice of Research in Social Work


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