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Initial posts are due, while student responses are due no later than.

After Reading the Kelling and Wilson (1982) article, and listening to the NPR Podcast titled “How A Theory Of Crime And Policing Was Born, And Went Terribly Wrong”, answer any two of the following questions (300 words each section). Please use APA style citations when referring to information in the article (not the podcast). Lastly, please be sure to respond back to at least two other students in addition to the word count minimum (see syllabus for details).


1) What is broken windows theory? Why was it developed?

2) What communities did the implementation of broken windows effect the most? Why?

3) How do broken windows policies effect community police relations? Are there any positive outcomes through the use of broken windows policies? Please explain in detail.


https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1982/03/broken-windows/304465/Links to an external site.


https://www.npr.org/2016/11/01/500104506/broken-windows-policing-and-the-origins-of-stop-and-frisk-and-how-it-went-wrongLinks to an external site.

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