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Visit http://www.readingrockets.org/content/pdfs/authortoolkit_rr.pdf and http://www.readingrockets.org/books/interviews for a list of well-known authors, Author Study ideas, and great resources.
2. Select a well-known author, 2 books that will be used for the lessons and standards that correspond to each lesson.
3. Develop a vocabulary and writing lesson for a content area using a different book for each lesson. (READ 2.F.1-8.) (READ 2.G.1-6.)
4. The books must be aligned with state-adopted standards, in language arts and content areas, at the appropriate grade level.(READ 2.G.4.)
5. Choose target vocabulary words and develop strategies to teach and reinforce the content area you are teaching, including print and digital representation of these words. Keep in mind the similarities and differences between home language and second language reading development. (READ 2.F.1-3, 7-8.) (READ 2.G.5.)
6. Incorporate appropriate vocabulary assessments to guide instruction. (You may have more than one assessment, but one of them must assess content area vocabulary.) (READ 2.F.8.)
7. Use writing, at the sentence level, to increase oral language development and content comprehension. (READ 1.G.4., 2.A.2., 2.D.3.)


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