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In this 4-5 page paper, you will use the book communication matters by kory Floyd as your central source to begin to think about how communication can
help us understand the world around us. To do this, you will choose a piece of communication that relates to the theme of Good Health and Wellbeing
(physical and mental health count here) and analyze it according to themes and terms used in class. Read the details below:
The case study is the song Stan by Eminem.
1) A one-paragraph introduction that introduces the broad themes of the paper, offers a roadmap for your paper, and presents a thesis statement (this is the
“so what” factor of the paper — what we will learn from your analysis).
2) Body paragraphs that analyze your music video, parasocial artifact, or conversation by using concepts we have learned so far in this course. In your
analysis, you will define and apply at least eight (8) communication concepts from your course textbook. Each term must be bolded upon first use. All terms
must be defined and cited with page numbers (not just for direct quotes).
3) A conclusion paragraph that reflects upon your analysis briefly and then draws conclusions about how a knowledge of communication principles can help
contribute to an understanding of (or change in) our shared world, particularly as it relates to good health and wellbeing.
4) A works cited page with a citation of Floyd and any other pieces of media or resources that you consult, using APA or MLA style. Papers without in-text
citations with page numbers will fail.
5) A list of terms used: At the end of the works cited page, you will list each term from Floyd that you used in your paper and include a page number from the
book next to the term. You do not need to provide definitions here, just the terms and page numbers in list form

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