Leadership & Emotional Intelligence
Introduction: The advanced-level nurse must be able to demonstrate intentional engagement in dynamic interprofessional teams to optimize patient can
population-centered care, enhance the healthcare experience, and strengthen outcomes. S/he must demonstrate self-reflection, flexibility and personal and
professional growth to sustain leadership capacity and lifelong personal well-being. S/he must be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions. These
behaviors will allow the nurse leader to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. Understanding the components of emotional
intelligence will allow the nurse to grow personally and professionally in how their own emotions affect leadership situations. This module will focus on the
components of emotional intelligence and guide the nurse in applying emotional intelligence to their leadership development.
Define emotional intelligence and the components that affect interpersonal communication.
Demonstrate understanding of behaviors that support or discourage emotional intelligence.
Explore strategies for the use of emotional intelligence in leadership.
Student Learning Outcomes
Translate evidence from nursing science as well as other sciences into practice.
Synthesize knowledge form nursing and other disciplines to inform education, practice, and research.
Use diverse sources of evidence to inform practice.
Lead the translation of evidence into practice.
Model ethical behaviors in practice and leadership roles.
Facilitate communication that promotes an interdisciplinary approach.
Foster a practice environment that promotes accountability for care outcomes.
Foster strategies that promote a culture of civility across a variety of settings.
Identify opportunities to lead with moral courage to influence team decision.
Model respect for diversity, equity, and inclusion of all team decision.Mentor others in their development of professional growth and accountability.
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