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1. Least Preferred Co-Worker Scale
Go to: http://people.uncw.edu/nottinghamj/documents/slides6/Northouse6e%20Ch6%20ContingencyLPC%20Scale.pdf
Follow the instructions for taking the assessment to determine your score.
Answer the following questions in a 500 word paper:
A. What was your LPC score?
B. Were you surprised by your LPC score?
C. Why were you, or why were you not surprised by your score?
D. Do you think others enjoy working with you?
Minimum 500 words
2. After reading Chapter 7, complete the below assignment based on the following scenario:
You work with a community dental outreach group. The organization sends Dentists and Registered Dental Hygienists to local communities that do not have access to care and they provide preventative services, periodontal care, and restorative services, free of charge, to the residents of those communities. All of the communities that the organization services are made up of diverse populations that have immigrated to the United States and most participants in the program do not speak fluent English.
The organization has recently applied for a federal grant to expand but needs to provide data that shows the communities that they are currently treating are benefitting from the services provided and that the residents of the communities that they would like to expand to would in fact participate in the program.
You have been tasked with developing evaluations that are culturally competent in order to provide this data to the grant program.
1. How will you collect data from the current participants that shows that they are benefiting from services provided? What methodologies with you use?
2. How will you determine if the residents of the communities that they organization would like to expand to understand the benefits of dental care?


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