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You take a vacation to Denver, Colorado. The elevation of Denver is 5,280 feet above sea level. Rochester NY is only 505 feet above seal level. Within a day, you’re feeling pretty tired and have a general lack of energy. However, by the end of your vacation, you’re feeling much better. Why is an acclimation period to high altitude necessary? Using your vacation scenario, identify the following components of the red blood cell production homeostatic control loop. Please provide your answers in a list with numbers (1-6) so that your answers are clear.

What is the “controlled variable” in this homeostatic feedback loop (what is actually being ‘measured’)?
What or where is the “sensor” (where are the cells that are doing the ‘measuring’)?
This sensor will send a message to the “control center”. Where or what is the “control center” (the ‘control center’ is the organ or structure of the body that is going to respond to deal with the information measured)?
What signal does the control center send to the “effector” (what place in the body is going to respond to fix the problem)?
Where is the “effector”?
What is the ultimate “goal” of this feedback loop?

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