The assignment consists of completing a multidimensional and functional bio-psycho-social assessment of an individual and their family system. Family
Therapy Approach (10pts)
1) Using the one of the family therapy approaches that you selected to study during the semester, describe how you will use it to work with the client and
• Give your rationale for why this approach would be beneficial for this family and cite research supporting the family system approach as evidence-based to
target the population that the client and family represent.
Will use “Structural family therapy.” This approach could help with adaptation and growth. Ideally leading to Kim and Kanye successfully establishing new,
healthy boundaries as separated individuals that allow them to co-parent their children in the healthiest way possible.
2) Ethical Issues (1/2 to 1 page.)
• Identify ethical issues that you encountered, or think you might have encountered, when assessing and intervening with the identified client (or famous
person) and their family. These might include issues related to informed consent, confidentiality, client self- determination, professional boundaries, or
transference and/or countertransference. Describe how you managed (or might have managed) those issues, and how you will apply what you learned in
your first job as an MSW social worker.
Issues identified so far:
-Confidentiality due to excessive media coverage and the family’s reality show.
-Maintaining confidentiality from one another, “sense of loyalty” for diff family members.
-Shifting focus to the many moving parts of this family and giving each the necessary time, attention and resources.
3) Create a culturagram (1/2 page) as an appendix.
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