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Now that we understand how to develop an assessment-based case formulation, as the substance abuse counselor, you should be prepared to develop a formal plan of treatment for the client. The formal treatment plan refers to a written document of specific areas of client-related information that serves multiple purposes. The potential uses of the formal treatment plan ranges from being a therapeutic contract to ensuring that both the clinician and patient agree on the what, how, and duration of treatment. It also serves as a road map to be referred to when the direction of treatment becomes unclear.


 Using a minimum of 200 words in total respond. Refer to Ch. 5 to support your response. Your response must include the APA format when referencing outside sources. 

1) From your observation, which part of the treatment plan was included in both sessions?

2) What section of the Recommended Content for treatment was NOT discussed? (Refer to Ch. 5 reading)

3) What were two goals and two objectives set for these clients? Did the therapist and client establish these goals and objectives together? Explain

4) Identify two similarities and two differences in the treatment plan during each counseling session.

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