Thus, this week’s readings are closely related. Please respond to the questions below based on the following material:
• Chp 9 of our textbook (4th ed ) & • Roberts, 2005, Transparency and Self-Disclosure.pdf
1. What were your reactions or questions on reading this chapter and/or article? 2. How do you make sense of the fact that on one hand the APA ethical code explicitly states not to accept former lovers as clients (Code 10.07) and on the other hand it only has a moratorium of two years with regard to sexual intimacy with former clients (Code 10.08)? In summary, why is it ok to go from being client-therapist to lovers (after 2 yrs) but not ok to go from being lovers to client-therapist? Would you recommend changing one or the other code or neither? [I’m not looking for a right answer, rather how you critically make sense.] 3. How do you share or show vulnerability in your life, personally or professionally? (Note, I’m not asking for self-disclosure stories but a reflection on how you perform vulnerability. My example, when I find myself arguing with my child, I’ll drop my agenda, breathe, and turn my full attention to what he is communicating rather than be focused on my point of view. Oftentimes, this means, I’m unsure where the conversation will take us.)
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