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Choose two models or theories for each mode of instruction (2 class, 2 lab, and 2 clinical) upon which you could build your learning activities. Of the six, one must be selected from the following: self-directed, experiential, transformative, and service learning. One must be a nursing theory. You may use theories or models beyond those found in your texts. The scientific literature has several that may be interesting to you.

Choose 6 different theories/models in total. Provide a brief summary of each and explain your rationale for choosing it, including how it specifically supports your learning goals for the course. You are not creating the specific learning activities, just researching theory to provide direction for future curriculum-building decisions. Organize your presentation as follows:

Introduction – Provide a brief description of the course you have chosen, including where it falls in the curriculum, and your overall student learning goals.
Theories to Support Classroom Instruction with summary of theory, rationale, and how it specifically supports your course learning goals
Theories to Support Lab/Simulation Activities with summary of theory, rationale, and how it specifically supports your course learning goals
Theories to Support Clinical Experiences with summary of theory, rationale, and how it specifically supports your courselearning goals

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