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Read Textbook:
(the detailed outline is provided so you have a study guide. By cutting and pasting this list,
you will have an outline of the history and key terminology.)
Echo-Hawk – In the Light of Justice
● Foreword (pp. xii – xi)
● Chap. 1 – The Seeds of Change (pp. 3 – 26)
● Chap. 2 – The Making of the Declaration (pp.27 –34)
● Chap. 3 – Mounting the Big Horse: Examining the Purpose, Nature, and Contents of
the Declaration (pp. 39-62)
● Chap. 4 – Legal Status of the Declaration (pp. 63-94)
● Textbook: In the Light of Justice- “ABC’s of colonization” Echo-Hawk (pg. 55)
Study Note- while you need not do a detailed review highlighting every name and date, you will want to
keep track of the key terms. You want to take more detailed notes on those theorist and terms we covered
in class, as the textbook will provide more context for you to elaborate on to show your understanding in
your papers. For all other information (of which we did not cover the details in class), just skim over it
and keep track of the page numbers in your notes should you need to refer to them in the future.
discuss the controversy generally. But, the key to the key to these
reflections is to use our course materials to explain the assigned video. It
is your ability to use our course materials that earns the points – the more
you cite from the lectures and textbook, the more you earn.
Our lectures detailed the UNDRIP articles and the US hesitance to these
“special” rights. You’d want to use these lessons to explain specific
scenes/scenarios from the video. You’d show your understanding by
describing the scenes that you are applying the lectures and textbook to.



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