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A controversial issue today in the American legal system is the justification of the use of force by police officers, given the actions and conduct of citizens. In this assignment, you will explore the requirements for use of force, constitutional rights pursuant to the Bill of Rights when it comes to free speech, and criminal defenses justifying actions.

Write a 2–3-page paper in which you:

Specify the key requirements for police officers in determining the lawfulness of the use of force in making an arrest and what is meant by “reasonableness.”
Evaluate how free speech rights clash with the rights of others and the need for public order today.
Argue for or against the regulation of the First Amendment when it comes to speech that could or might incite “imminent lawless action or conduct.”
Analyze the defenses within today’s criminal law system.
Evaluate the fairness of the common law defense of necessity when citizens use deadly force.


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