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In order to prepare an academic assignment, students can use resources in the library or they can utilise online media. Which one do you prefer?
Give reasons to support your point of view.

Include information from ALL the readings provided and from your own knowledge and experience to support your argument.
Reading: The Internet: The Researcher’s Challenge https://courses.lumenlearning.com/sanjacinto-englishcomp2kscope/chapter/finding-sources/
The steps you need to take:
• Analyze the question;
• Skim through the attached readings, marking those sections that are related to the essay question. Remember to give reasons and use examples from the readings and your own society and knowledge to develop your essay;
• Read the marked sections in more detail;
• Jot down the ideas;
• Group ideas to form a rough plan; and
• Modify your plan to include ideas from the readings. Use all sources.

Write your essay, making sure that you:
• paraphrase adequately all points taken from the readings.
• use appropriate punctuation for all citations.
• Include 3 in-text references.
• make a Reference List.
• revise and edit your essay.

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