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Part I. Define Integration. What does it mean to take the integral of a function? How can
integration be used in real life applications? How is integration related to differentiation?
Part II. Go to
http://webspace.ship.edu/msrenault/geogebracalculus/geogebracalculusapplets.html This will
take you to a page “Calculus Applets using GeoGebra”. Scroll down to “The Integral” section,
numbers 25. – 30. Pick FOUR of the following:

  1. Introduction to Integration – The Exercise Bicycle Problem Part 1
  2. Introduction to Integration – The Exercise Bicycle Problem Part 2
  3. Introduction to Integration – Gaining Geometric Intuition
  4. The Riemann Sum
    Answer questions: What is the Riemann Sum? Why is it important in mathematics?
  5. The Area Function
  6. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Part I (Theoretical Part)
  7. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Part II (Practical Part)
    As you complete the above applets, make sure you clearly label which exercise you are
    completing and answer all EXPLORE questions associated with the applet on your paper to
    turn in. Also, make sure to screen shot the applet and inset picture(s) where appropriate.


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